Field Trips/Farm Tours


In order to reserve your slot, we charge a $5 fee. Each participant/student will pay $5 at the time of arrival at our farm. Chaperones, bus drivers, and teachers are no charge.

Pre-K - 4th Holiday Tour: We will go into the fields and talk about trees, see how some of our equipment works, make a classroom wreath,  and end with a snack and story.  Plan for around 1 1/2 hours. 

Jr High - Adult Ag/Small Business Tour: This tour will have an agronomy and small business focus. We will discuss the "how to" of raising trees and give some insight into running a small business. Plan for 1 - 1 1/2 hours. 

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In order to reserve your slot, we charge a $5 fee. Each participant/student will pay $5 at the time of arrival at our farm. Chaperones, bus drivers, and teachers are no charge.

Pre-K - 4th Holiday Tour: We will go into the fields and talk about trees, see how some of our equipment works, make a classroom wreath,  and end with a snack and story.  Plan for around 1 1/2 hours. 

Jr High - Adult Ag/Small Business Tour: This tour will have an agronomy and small business focus. We will discuss the "how to" of raising trees and give some insight into running a small business. Plan for 1 - 1 1/2 hours. 

In order to reserve your slot, we charge a $5 fee. Each participant/student will pay $5 at the time of arrival at our farm. Chaperones, bus drivers, and teachers are no charge.

Pre-K - 4th Holiday Tour: We will go into the fields and talk about trees, see how some of our equipment works, make a classroom wreath,  and end with a snack and story.  Plan for around 1 1/2 hours. 

Jr High - Adult Ag/Small Business Tour: This tour will have an agronomy and small business focus. We will discuss the "how to" of raising trees and give some insight into running a small business. Plan for 1 - 1 1/2 hours.